Monday, April 21, 2014

Sensor cleaning nightmare

When you are in trouble, you know it.  It happened to me yesterday as I was trying to perform yet another wet cleaning operation on my D7000 sensor.  It started with the nasty field of bunnies on the right.

I was taking some pictures at f/14 and can clearly see some bunny spots in the blue sky.  That was annoying, so I had to look at the sensor.  It was dirty alright and for some reason, the bunnies were concentrating in the far right of the sensor as you can see here.  They were visible with the naked eyes.  I did not need to use the SensorKlear Loupe I purchased from the photo show a couple of years ago--btw, I highly recommend this loupe if you are doing any cleaning with your sensor.

Blowing air did nothing to remove the bunnies.  They were bonded to the sensor.  I did not try to Artic Butterfly and instead went straight to wet cleaning.  That's when things went kinda downhill.

On the first pass, the Pec Pad removed most of the bunnies but at the same time left streaks on the sensor.  The VisibleDust cleaning solution left residues behind as it dried.  The streaks were all over the sensor and even without the SensorKlear Loupe, I was able to see the streaks very clearly with my naked eyes.  So, I grabbed another Pec Pad and cleaned the sensor once more.  Again, streaks all over.  I tried yet once more.  Same results.  I knew it was not dust but residues from the solution.  Does the solution have an expiry date?  Maybe the alcohol has evaporated?  I really don't know but I must have tried cleaning the sensor five more times before I could get a clear sensor.

BTW, my sensor has this halo ring in the lower left corner.  It looks permanent to me as I see it in the other shots I took a couple of years ago.  Darn it.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Roaming around Toronto on my bike

I find myself using my LG P500h phone camera more these days than before.  It would seem to be available all the time as I need to carry it with me on my belt wherever I go.  It would also seem to be heck more convenient than carrying a large DSLR.  Many of the times, it would be fine.  I may not need to zoom in or may not need to deal with high contrast lighting conditions.

This afternoon, I went to cash in my lottery ticket--a whopping $125!  I decided afterwards to go find the graffiti alley.  It's somewhere in Toronto but I do not know where it is yet, and don't want to look it up and don't want anyone to tell me where it is.  One day, I will run into it and that's how it will keep my biking more interesting these days.  Anyway, I went biking around searching for the graffity alley so I started covering some new territories of downtown Toronto.  I knew the alley is not where I went but I decided to hit a street I have never been to--Mercer Street on the north side of Gretsky's and The Second City.  There, I found behind a building this refuse storage, overflowing with bags of garbage, the doors bashed open.  Yuck!  I cannot imagine how it will be like in the summer heat of Toronto.  That will be disgusting.

Invasion of What?

What are these bugs? I've never seen them before. I saw them at my parents' place the other day. Lots of them in soil or grassy areas.